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Think you are stressed? Start by finding out how stressed you are and then have a look at what you can do about it.
No one test can give you a complete diagnosis of your stress levels, but these questions might be helpful in giving you an overview of where you stand at the moment. Be scrupulously honest with your answers and tick the 'Yes' box even if it only partly refers to you.
[Adapted from the International Stress Management Association UK Checklist - 2013]
Totals - Add the 'Yes' column up. For every 'Yes' score yourself a 1
Score = 6 or less. You are least likely to suffer from stress-related illness.
Score = 7 to 17. You would benefit from stress management advice to help you identify areas for change. You are more likely to experience stress-related ill health.
Score = 18 or more. You demonstrate a number of traits that could be health risks. You are more likely to experience stress-related illness. It could be very important to get professional help. Talk to your doctor.
Tips to help you improve your score
Next week we will look at some helpful relaxation pointers as genuine relaxation is a key part of stress management.
Keep asking great questions ...